First Time Visitors
Thanks for your interest in Joy City Church. If you’ve never been to our church and want to know what to expect on your first visit, then read on.
Sunday morning worship services begin at 10:30am. Ushers will greet you at the doors and provide you with a church bulletin to follow throughout the service.
We usually begin with a few songs of worship. Feel free to sit, stand, sing, or dance. Express your worship to God using your heart, mind, soul and body. If you don’t know the songs, don’t worry. We didn’t know them at first either. Feel free to just listen and follow the words on the screen.
Invocation means “to call on. To begin the service we call on the Lord for the gift of his presence with us.
At greeting time we take a moment to shake one another’s hands and introduce ourselves to people we don’t know yet.
Pastoral Prayer
This is when we pray for our church, our city and our world.
Children’s Church
Children that are grade 6 and under are invited to join Children’s Church at this time. Nursery is also provided.
This is a time of practical teaching from the Bible.
We invite all believers to participate in the Lord’s Supper. If you are a visitor and you have not yet made a decision to follow Christ, please feel free to just sit and watch the celebration. The Communion service is how we as believers, remember and celebrate the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ.
This is a time for us to give our tithe (and offerings) to God and thus support our church and it's ministries financially. It is a way to thank God for his blessing. If you are a visitor, feel free to let the offering plate pass by. The only gift we’d like from you is a completed feedback card that can be obtained at the welcome desk.
This is the closing prayer of blessing at the end of the worship service.
Prayer Time
If you have special needs and you would like someone to pray with you, please feel free to make your way to the front of the church, following the service. Have a seat in the first row and one of our church elders will come and pray with you.
We welcome you to join us just outside the auditorium for refreshments after the worship service.